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Summer Time Trial Series-Week 3 Wrap Up

*Austin’s Note: Sorry for getting this up a bit late, been a rough end to the week and playing catch up! Hope to have even more people come out next week for the 4th time trial in the series! There has been discussion about doing the Time Trial a 5th time on the last Thursday of the month due to popular demand. Stay tuned for that. Anyway, here is the wrap up!*

Wow, another great night at Brunswick Nature Park! We had 12 riders show up to participate, and this week there was one second between the fastest, second fastest, and third fastest times. Jere Dearing won tonight’s lottery and chose to donate his winnings back to the club – Thanks Jere!

Well, here’s what you are all are waiting to see….the times.

* Steve Mangiacapre — 23.05
* Armando Sanchez — 23.06
* Bill Sessons — 23.07
* Greg Brinson — 23.29
* Tom Condon — 23.42
* Jere Dearing — 24.12
* Marshall Brown — 24.38
* Spencer Thomasson — 25.68
* Don Brown — 28.36
* Jim Halley — 29.26
* John Sledge — 33.30
* Kirsten Jones — 35.52

Thanks again to everyone that’s been coming out and taking part the last three weeks. Steve has won yet again, but its clear that the competition to take him down is getting fierce! Both Bill Sessoms and Armando Sanchez where hot on his heels! Can they take him down next week? Only time will tell!

I also want to give a big thank you to Marshall and Spencer from the Waccamaw Trailblazers that have made the drive down from Myrtle Beach each week to take part, Thanks guys!

I hope to see all of you next week at Brunswick Nature Park at 6:30pm, come on out and have some fun!


Time Trial Reminder for June 16th

Just wanted to remind everyone that we will be holding our third time trial in our 2011 Summer Time Trial series this coming Thursday night at 6:30pm. Last week we had a total of 13 riders participate, so our goal is to have at least 10 more this week.

Can anyone beat the seemingly unbeatable Steve? That is the question! Come out and see if you have the legs to stop him from winning for the third consecutive week!

Also, currently the event is expected to be a go but the weather report is calling for a 60% chance of scattered Thunderstorms. We will ride if the rain has been light or is light, however if it has rained hard alot that day or is raining hard at the start of the time trial the event will be canceled and made up on the last Thursday of the month. We do not want to damage the trail or the riders!

If the event is canceled early in the day an email will be sent out by Secretary Jay Pearce letting everyone know!

Come on out to Brunswick Nature Park and take part, or just come out and cheer the others on! Remember you don’t have to win to receive half of the entry fee money! Its a random raffle! All you have to do is show up and ride!

Hope to see you there,

Austin Fenwick
VP Cape Fear SORBA

June 9th Time Trial Report! Steve does it again!


Racers smile for the camera before the Time Trial begins!

2011 Summer Time Trial Series-Week 2  

Wow, another great event tonight at Brunswick Nature Park.  We had a total of 13 riders, with members from Cape Fear SORBA and the Waccamaw Trailblazers in attendance. I’m also excited to let everyone know that we also had two of our ladies come out and take part as well.  So far we have had a good turnout at each of these events, my goal now is to have at least 15 riders next week, so please come out and take part or cheer on the ones that are.

So who won the Time Trial this week? Well lets take a look shall we!

Steve Mangiacapre-  23:28
Tom Condon – 23:54
Greg Brinson – 24:14
Jere Dearing – 24:32
Bryan Weinkle – 24:38
Armando Sanchez – 25:11
Marshall Brown – 25:15
Spencer Thomasson – 26:33
Jesse Savage – 29:29
Jim Halley – 30:41
Meredith Sullivan – 32:43
John Sledge – 35:30
Kirsten Jones – 36:55

Steve had the fastest time again tonight, with Tom less than 30 seconds behind him, and then Greg was only 20 seconds behind Tom… That’s the top three riders all within 30 seconds of each other… Jesse Savage turned in a time of less than 30 minutes, and that was including blowing out a tire, getting it back on the rim and pumping it back up.

Tonight’s lottery winner was also Steve!  Steve donated his winnings, short his entry fee, back to the club. Thanks buddy!

As you can tell, we are having a lot of fun on Thursday evenings out at Brunswick Nature Park, we hope to see you out there at the next event next week.

Here are a few more pictures to whet your appetite!


Tom Condon just ripping up the trail!
Armando Sanchez!
You spell his name J-e-r-e!
John Sledge at his best!
The ladies were here this week! Meredith is so fast she is almost a blur!
And Kirsten is just having a blast!

Thanks everyone for coming out this week! We hope to see you next week at the Brunswick Nature Park for the June Time Trial Series-Week 3!

Jay Pearce

Secretary, Cape Fear SORBA

Weekend Recap: Earthday and 5th CCORS Race!

Corey and Austin hang out at the Earthday Fest booth.

Hello everyone! Another wonderful weekend in Cape Fear SORBA land with our first of many outreach events as well as the 5th race in the CCORS series! So who wants to recap? You in the back? Ok lets recap then!

So first on Saturday CFSORBA had our first of many outreach events as we had a space at the EarthDay Festival at Hugh McRae park! Special thanks go out to Corey and April for their hard work in making that happen. They put together the entire event from idea to putting the booth together. So thanks for all your hard work! We gave out alot of information and we continually got alot of surprised looks when we told people there was mountain bike trails in this area. I guess thats what happens when you live so close to the coast!


Moving on to the 5th race in the Coastal Carolina Off-Road Race Series! We had another strong turnout, 68 people to be exact. This time we had a great turnout of kids racers, 8 total, to compete for bragging rights in our wonderful kids race! Want to see what that race was like? Well friend of the club Jeff LeBlanc took video of the kids that i am happy to post right here!

Congrats to all the kids racers for their great effort!

Now onto the adults shall we! The adults of course were tense and ready to go once the 2pm start time finally arrived.

Racers mass for the start

They certainly couldn’t help themselves! The course was as fast as I have ever seen it…and i would know, I raced it! Sadly I couldn’t seem to keep myself off of the ground for the first half lap! Here are a few more pictures for your viewing pleasure!

Don Brown hauling! Go Don Go!

Eventual 1st place finisher Armando gives us his best…well i dunno what he was doing!


If you want to see all of the photo’s from this race (thanks Jeremy!) you can view them below

Album 1

Album 2

Don’t forget now everyone, the last race in the series is May 22nd in Havelock NC at the Piranha Pit! Come out and race and you can see the Cape Fear SORBA team take home the championship for the team classification! Thats right all you other teams, that bad boy is coming home with us this year!

Also, there is a workday scheduled for May 14th at the Blue Clay Trail starting at 8am. More info via Barry Wray coming soon.

See you on the trails.