CCORS Race #4 Report with pictures!
Posted in Race
Race #4 in the Coastal Carolina Off-Road Series was this past Sunday and it was a roaring good time for all involved! We had 67 competitors from all over the state (and a couple that weren’t from NC) that made this one fun race to be apart of! Of course we couldn’t have gotten off to such a smooth start for the day without a few hiccups early that morning. The lovely storm that came through NC on Saturday that caused massive destruction wherever it went just grazed the Wilmington area in a stroke of luck for us. However with winds easily howling at over 20 mph it was no surprise when I arrived at the trailhead to find that multiple tree’s had come down. Luckily one had already been moved from across a bridge (and the bridge would later be easily repaired) and the other wasn’t to big. So as Jeremy cleared one section of trail from minor debris I went to work on the other tree with an axe (which by the way I believe was the dullest axe in history of dull axes!).
With the course cleared it was time for us to get on with the getting on! People began registering and we had our hands full getting everyone set up to race.

The morning went smoothly from that point forward. We had a wonderful pre-race meeting that went over the rules of the course and the big safety talk.
In the mean time the kids race went off without a hitch. Congrats to Mateo (1st Place) and Haley (2nd) for their great showing in the kids race.
Then of course, the adults were off to the races as well! Here are just a a few of the over 300 photo’s taken by Jeremy on Sunday.
Complete results from the day are available now! You can find them here.
Special thanks goes out to all of our volunteers for the event including SueMay (and kids), Noah, Jeremy, Jay and Jamie (our bike patrol), Brannon, Corey, and everyone else that played a part in making this event something worth having!
With that in mind, the next event at Blue Clay is the 5th race in the CCORS series and we are again looking for volunteers that are willing to help out! All the same jobs are available but for simplicity I will post that at another time.
By the way, over 300 pictures are available for viewing on the Cape Fear SORBA facebook page! Want to see them?
Don’t forget to like us on facebook!
See you on the trails!