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Do Something for Doolittle!

Hello everyone. In light of the terrible tragedy that struck this past Sunday Morning on River Road, a bike ride in memory of Trey and David Doolittle has been scheduled for this Sunday from 11am to 1pm. The details are below. I encourage all members to attempt to be there for this ride.


Cyclist, Friends, Triathletes, Cross Country runners and Beyond. This is a time our community needs to come together to raise awareness and support the devastating situation that the Doolittle Family has to deal with. As many of you know, Trey and David Doolittle were struck on River Road, Sunday morning at 9:00AM by a drunk driver…. David died at the scene and Trey has also passed 1 day after the accident.


UPDATE!!! In lieu of flowers the family requests to make donations to the Tyler and Turner Doolittle Educational Fund – 15029 Superior Street, Charlotte NC, 28273.

Austin Fenwick

VP Cape Fear SORBA

Reminders: CCORS Race this weekend, workday/election meeting April 9th.

Hello out there everyone! Just a few reminders to share with everyone today.

First, the next race in the Coastal Carolina Off-Road Race Series is coming up this weekend in Greenville, NC at the Bicycle Post Trail. This edition will be a short track race. All the same points apply to this race as it has in the past and all prices remain the same for entry. For more information please visit Go up there and show them what Cape Fear SORBA is all about!

In other news, our workday and club election meeting at Brunswick Nature Park is fast approaching. Remember that nominations for positions will end on April 2nd so if you want to nominate yourself or anyone else for a position please email those nominations to Barry Wray at as soon as possible. The elections will be held on April 9th after our workday at the Brunswick Nature Park.

Speaking of the workday, remember that the workday will be held on April 9th from 9am to 5pm and we will be building the new beginner trail! Bring shovels and rakes to the workday and don’t worry about any more tools. Cape Fear SORBA will provide the rest.

Also, something new to announce. Thanks to IMBA and Clif-Bars we have been given 200 mini Clif-Bars to give to everyone that participates in the workday! Thanks to IMBA and especially thanks to Clif-Bars for supporting local Mountain Bike Clubs.

One other thing to remember everyone: If you are coming to the club meeting/election that starts at about 5pm remember to try and RSVP to Greg Brinson at so that we know how much food to prepare. We also ask that you bring additional side dishes to supplement the meal!

Good luck to everyone who is racing this weekend! I hope to see alot of members on Saturday the 9th and if you have any questions at all, please feel free to email me at or just click on the contact us tab on the website.

Thanks Cape Fear SORBA

Austin Fenwick: Vice President Cape Fear SORBA

Workday(s) at the Brunswick Nature Park this weekend

There will be a Cape Fear SORBA workday at the Brunswick County Nature Park on Saturday (3/12/11) AND Sunday (3/13/11) starting at 9 am. Bring proper clothing and food and any tools you think might be useful.

I hope to see you at both work days!


Austin Fenwick

Cape Fear SORBA Vice President

National Bike Summit 2011: Day three, on Capital Hill!

NC Delegates as we prepare for our meeting with Senator Kay Hagen's staff

I’m sure some wise man once said, “All good things must come to an end.” That’s where I stand now. However, I can say that today was worth the trip alone for many reasons. Let’s recap!

My day started early and my first meeting was with Congressman Mike McIntyre’s aide Stratton Kirton. To be clear, in most cases with meetings at the office of Senators and Congressman you aren’t actually going to meet with the rep. In most cases you are meeting with a 20 something Legislative Assistant who works on Transportation or Natural Resources. That was the case here. The big issues that all the cyclists were working on in DC this year was just asking for funding to continue to Safe Routes to Schools, Transportation Enhancement, and the Recreational Trails Program. With the new congress with over 90 new members (that largely want to see funding cuts) our goal was not to ask for anything new. Instead we want to maintain what we have. Once I was done with that and had left him all of the materials on the important projects I also invited everyone with the McIntyre office to take a kid mountain biking day in October. Its something we can all work on in the Cape Fear Region.

Its at this point I think we are about done. My new friend and help for this particular meeting Randy Bass of Winston-Salem then asks if its ok if we have a picture with Mr. Kirton. This is where the plan changed! Mr. Kirton brought up that the Congressman was actually here and might have time to chat and take a picture with us. Well one thing left to another and this picture happened.

From left to right: Randy Bass, Congressman McIntyre, and myself

It was amazing to have the chance to repeat a few things to the Congressman that I otherwise would have left with his aide. Lets hope that this can develop into a relationship that all cyclists in our region can benefit from! The key? Follow up follow up follow up!

Next the NC delegation met up on the opposite side of Capital Hill to stop in and say hello to Senator Kay Hagen’s people. This time I kept mostly quiet and let the more experienced members of the party pitch our message. Sadly on this occasion we did not get to see the Senator (unlike last year when the Senator spent the entire time talking to us). However, Senator Hagen is a huge supporter of cycling and greenway systems and her aide was very interested in our issues and asked for additional information on specific problems that a few of our delegates were facing.

The NC Delegation in deep conversation in Kay Hagen's office

Lastly the end of the day came and all the Bike Summit attendee’s filed into the Dirksen Senate building to enjoy some food and drinks and get a chance to chat about what had happened that day. Its at this point I found out about an interesting rumor floating through the NC Delegation. I won’t say who I heard it from, but apparently there is a chance that the cyclists in NC might have a chance to converge on Raleigh for a NC version of the summit. That’s right folks, a NC Bicycle Summit is a distinct possibility.

So, what did I take away from the summit this year? Well first, David Wiens is a very down to earth person who, much like me, is trying to get more involved and learn about what he can do to pursue better cycling infrastructure. Also, mountain bikers really are the ones everyone wants to talk to. Lastly, the political process isn’t always exciting and you don’t always get to chat with your reps. However, when you do, it makes the effort you went through all worth it.

Thanks for following along with my travels everyone, when there is more to speak about concerning the possibility of a NC Summit you will hear it from me. Also I have some wonderful plans for a few pet projects I want to start up. Those too, will be coming soon.