Category: Uncategorized

CCORS 2013 Team & Overall Points

We are half way through the Coastal Carolina Off Road Series and you can find the team results and overall results listed below!  Congrats everyone!! Team Results 2013 Team Results Overall Results 2013 CCORS overall after race #3

CCORS 2013 Results Based Upgrades

With only 4 weeks left until the kick off of the Coastal Carolina Off Road Series 2013, we want to remind last year’s riders that any rider who either won his/her category last year OR won two (or more) races MUST upgrade to a higher category this year! Our records show that the riders from…

Real Women’s Ride, Wednesday, Sept. 19th, 5:30 pm

Ladies, this will be one of the last rides for this season. Come pedal and check out the new sections at Brunswick Nature Park, as well.  Ride for beginners to start  at 5:30 pm, followed by riding the advanced loop. Don’t forget your bug deterrent & water.  Save a melon, wear a helmet.  Send questions…

BNP Culvert Install this Sunday, 8-19

We have secured our Army Corp permit for the culvert pipes at Brunswick Nature Park. Myself, David ,and Jere plan to install the pipe under the power lines this Sunday at 12:00 noon. If anyone has time we could use a few more hands to lay down some flat stone and rip rap rock around…