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Order your Cape Fear SORBA Jersey online now!

Hello Cape Fear SORBA I have an update for you! As promised we are now ready to accept orders online via Paypal for the Cape Fear SORBA club jersey! Below I will map it out with specific directions on how to accomplish this! If you have any questions please email Remember you can still bring the order form with payment to Two Wheeler Dealer to place your order as well.

First of all ALL ORDERS WILL BE DUE BY SEPTEMBER 3RD. We will place the order the following week. Any Jersey orders recieved after that will not be placed.


1. Download and fill out the order form I have attached to this post.

2. Email the completed order form to INFO@CAPEFEARSORBA.COM

3. Within 24 hours you should recieve an invoice from paypal with your total for your order.

4. Pay for your order online via paypal (note: you do not have to have paypal to pay for your jersey).

Remember: If we do not recieve payment on or before SEPTEMBER 3RD we will NOT include your order. Payment MUST be made in order for your jersey to be ordered.

Again, if you have any questions please feel free to email

Download Jersey Order Form Now

Thanks everyone! Happy ordering!

Cape Fear SORBA Jersey now available for order!!

Hello everyone! Cape Fear SORBA is proud to announce that we are now ready to start accepting orders for our first ever club jerseys! Take a look at the design below.

SORBA Jersey now available for order!

The design might change EVER so slightly from this with a few minor tweaks but for all intensive purposes this is the jersey you will be ordering. We are ordering via Canari cycling.

  1. Jersey sizes will run from X-Small to XX-Large
  2. They will have a full zipper.
  3. They will be in the Canari “Pro” cut which is their version of a club cut. Roomier so to speak.

We expect that the order will fall into a specific range, which will make the cost  $58 per jersey. If we end up with more orders than we expect (which would be a good thing) the cost of the jerseys will drop and you will be refunded the difference.

Below I have placed an order form available for download. On it there are specific directions but I will also post them here.

Please fill out the entire form and deliver to Two Wheeler Dealer at 4408 Wrightsville Ave, Wilmington NC 28403. Please deliver with payment. Payment will be accepted in the form of check (made out to Cape Fear SORBA) or cash. If you have any questions please email Delivery will take about 8 weeks from date we place the entire order with Canari. Jersey orders will be available for pickup at Two Wheeler Dealer. You will be notified via email when the shipment arrives.

In addition if you happen to run into any of the board members (aka Greg Brinson, Austin Fenwick, Bryan Weinkle, or Jay Pearce) they will also accept the order form and payment.

Ok everyone, that’s it. Start getting those orders in. I will announce the final due date for orders as soon as we get the design finalized and a few other details worked out. Again if you have any questions please email

You can now download the order form below and get to it!!!

The Jersey Order Form


We are working on a way you can submit your order and pay online. Hope to have that up in the next week if things go well. Stay tuned…

Brunswick Day in the Park: September 10th volunteers needed!

Hello everyone! Long time no see! Sorry for the lack of updates recently but we are working on some fun stuff right now and are nearing time to get the word out to everyone about more of our fun things for the fall!

In the mean time we do have one fun event that we would like to announce. Brunswick County is having a big “Day in the Park” on September 10th. This event will bring all the various clubs and organizations that have had a hand in building sections of the Brunswick Nature Park together on one day so that the public can come out and enjoy the fruits of our labor. There will be people talking about the horse trails, Kayak/Canoe trips, hiking trips, nature talks and someone representing the eventual Frisbee golf course that will also be in the park. Of course that means that Cape Fear SORBA will also be represented at the park for this event! The club is going to need 5 volunteers to come out and be a part of our booth! Think of it as a hyped up Trailgating day for us. Its a chance for us to give guided rides and help introduce our club and our goals to an entirely new group of people.

This is a very important event for us at the Nature Park. The Coastal Land Trust is putting this event together and they are responsible for us having this land to ride! So who is up for volunteering at the event? You? Ok and you? Ok good. If you want to volunteer PLEASE email our club secretary Jay Pearce at as soon as possible.

More fun stuff coming soon folks. Jersey ordering will be ready very soon!

Dirty Dames hit the trail…

Hey everyone, a quick guest post coming in from one of our Ladies group ride leaders SueMay! They just had their third Ladies only ride and it was a big success! Keep the votes coming for the first ever club jersey by the way! Its currently a two horse race, but that could change!

Dirty dames; but not what you’re thinking….

The third SORBA women’s group ride turned out to be a great evening. An awesome group of women from different backgrounds sharing the same interest for mountain biking.  New and experienced riders hit the trails of Blue Clay Bike Park to learn, encourage, teach, sweat and laugh. And no near misses with squirrels, turtles, deer, snakes or giant spiders either.

We are all hoping for just as great a turnout next ride.

SueMay Lewis

Post ride photo op!

That next ride by the way is Tuesday, August 2nd at 6pm! Come join these lovely ladies and get dirty!!