Cape Fear SORBA Trail Care Crew T-shirt

The Cape Fear SORBA Trail Care Crew T-shirt

In an effort to show a more unified force on the trails during workdays we’ve printed up a bunch of t-shirts for our TCC Volunteers to wear.

These uniforms are an effort to educate the public who we are and what we do. To let them know that the trails they love trails are maintained by hard working volunteers and more importantly, they are welcome to join us.

These shirts cannot be purchased, They must be earned through volunteer hours.  A minimum of 10 volunteer trail/hours are needed to own one of these beauties.

The good news is that the volunteer hours quota is retroactive for the entire year of 2013. In other words, if you’ve already put in 10 hours this year, you already own one! If you haven’t, then time to start logging some trail hours.

Even more great news:
This Saturday, November 2nd, there will be a great opportunity to start logging in those hours. We will be working at the new trails in Elizabethtown, Brown’s Creek Trails. This is an entirely new trail system our Club President Greg Brinson has been putting together for several months now. The trail is still in the early-early stages so if you’ve ever wanted to be involved with the ground floor of a new MTB trail,  now’s your chance!

For more info on the Brown’s Creek Trail Workday, check out our Meetup Page.

uncle-sam-clipartWe want YOU… to come out and build some trails!