
Being a volunteer is about more than lugging tools down the trail and being in covered in dirt when your day is done (though we love those volunteers to!). Its about doing your part to help out the club when and where you can and having fun while you do it. With Cape Fear SORBA you can volunteer in any number of ways. You could help us build trail of course. You could also cook the food for our next social event. Or maybe you want to sit at our booth during our next membership drive? Maybe you are the political type and want to be an advocate talking to politicians. You could even help us design the poster for our next event.

The end result should always be you enjoying what you do. The point of this club is to have fun isn’t it? If you aren’t having fun, then we have done something wrong.

One other way you can keep up with club activities is to become a member of the clubs meetup page. We utilize meetup.com to keep up with how many people are coming to group rides, trail building days, and other club activities. Even if you aren’t a club member you can join the meetup page just to keep track and join group rides with other like minded folks! So click on the button below and join up with meetup!