Category: Uncategorized

CCORS Race #1 at Brunswick this Sunday!

Just a quick reminder to everyone out in SORBA land that the first race in the Carolina Off-Road Race Series is occurring this Sunday at the Brunswick Nature Park! We hope to see you out there! Demo bikes will be available and fun for all!

Schedule for the event is as follows

Registration Opens
10:30am please register at least 15min
before the start of your event

Kids 11:30am appx 1mi on right side

Expert 12noon race both sides appx 60min

1:15pm race both sides appx 45min

Sport 40+/Masters 45+
2:00pm race both sides appx 45min

Beginner/Beginner 35+/Wmn
2:45pm race left side only appx 30min

Youth/First Timer’s
3:30pm race left side only appx 30min

Trail Building this weekend at Brunswick!

Trail Building Days this weekend!

Hey Cape Fear SORBA! We are proud to announce another set of trail work days this upcoming weekend. We will continue to build the new section of trail at the back of the Brunswick Nature Park. Here are the details.

Trail building days will be on Saturday the 17th and Sunday the 18th from 9am to 4pm (give or take). As it has been in the past please bring shovels and rakes if you have them. Additional tools will be provided by Cape Fear SORBA. Each day we will be cutting virgin trail that will eventually be apart of the more advanced loop. President Greg Brinson will be leading the workday on Saturday while Vice President Austin Fenwick will lead the workday on Sunday.

We have had a bit of an issue with people finding us if you come late for the workday lat weekend. To help we plan on having a sign or two that guides you to the beginning of the trail we are currently cutting. Once you reach that trail just walk on it till you find people! We are getting pretty deep into the forest so bring food and water with you when you go in.

When coming to either workday drive PAST the picnic shelter (on your right) and continue on the dirt road, which turns to sand, and pass by all the current, MTB trail entrances. Park at the end of the road where you are no longer surrounded by tree’s near the power lines that run over head. From there look for a sign to guide you to the trail currently being cut.

Please join up and RSVP to the trail workdays at our page! It gives us a great idea how many people will be there throughout the day and helps us plan on how much trail we need to cut. Its easy, especially if you have a facebook page.

Thanks everyone, and I hope to see you out there!

Austin Fenwick

VP Cape Fear SORBA

Update for December 6th

Hi Cape Fear SORBA. I hope that you are all doing well. First of all I would like to thank you all so very much for your help this weekend. We were able to cut in much more trail then we thought we would manage! The work was hard, in some places we were cutting through root mats over 6 inches deep. Yet with your help we were able to power through it and finish up the entire trail that was flagged by 2:15 on Sunday afternoon. Thanks to all of YOU. We hope to announce the next workday in the next week. In a related bit of news, on Wed an article will appear in the State Port Pilot about our recent workday weekend and the Brunswick Brawl. Don’t you just love media coverage?

*By the way, if anyone happened to pick up a red garden shovel that did not belong to them by mistake please let us know. Its owner misses it very much!*

CCORS Series Jersey Order

In other related news, the Coastal Carolina Off-Road Race Series dates are nearly finalized. In the mean time, why don’t you order something for that special someone (or yourself). The jersey order for this season’s series is ending very soon (December 10th)  and they need to get a few more orders in to reach the minimum. You can check out the design below. If you like it you can order the jersey by clicking here: CCORS Jersey Order.

Jersey Design! Order deadline is December 10th!

San Lee Ride Dec 10th

Did you know that the club is taking a little day trip to the San Lee trails near Sanford NC on December 10th? Well if you didn’t you can keep up with the rides now on our group. Our account is paid for by the club and provides our riders (and other locals) the chance to keep up with our events like trail building days and group rides while also allowing our members to form rides of their own with friends. The club would like to encourage our members (and even non-club members) to sign up for an account. Its free for you and easy (and especially easy if you already have a facebook account). You can find our handy dandy meetup page here: CFSORBA on

Thanks again everyone and as always if you have any questions please feel free to email Happy Trails everyone.

Austin Fenwick

VP Cape Fear SORBA

Club Meetup Group and Trail Build Day Reminder

Hello Cape Fear SORBA. I hope you are enjoying this crisp fall day. We had a great club meeting on Tuesday with over 20 people coming out. We went over the Coastal Carolina Off-Road Race Series dates and locations, some things club members would like to see happen at Blue Clay over the next several months, and the creation of a club meetup group.

We hope to announce dates and locations for the CCORS race series in the not to distant future. In the mean time if you want to start getting ready for race series we have a new club meetup group! The club board members made the decision to pay for the services of a meetup page so that our club members can form group rides and get together without the need of the club to set each and every meeting. It’s a tool for everyone! Want to get started? Click on the logo below to take you to our page and sign up. It is easy, fast, and once you are signed up you can RSVP for the trail workdays this weekend and start creating rides of your own. Note: if you have a Facebook account its very easy to register as well. If you want to like Cape Fear SORBA on facebook you can find us here: CFSORBA on Facebook.

Trail Building Days this Weekend

Also a reminder that there are two trail building days occurring this weekend at the Brunswick Nature Park. Day 1 will be used to do the initial cut on 600 feet of new trail that has been laid out by our trail design team. Day 2 will be fine tuning the initial cut and tamping down the new trail.

Workday 1: Begins at 9am. Please meet at the parking lot adjacent to the picnic shelter at the Brunswick Nature Park. If you come later (which is totally ok!) walk all the way down the fire road to the end and look for the path on your left when you reach the clearing. All work will be done on the NEW section of trail. Bring appropriate clothing, shovels and rakes, and food/water. Additional tools will be provided by CFSORBA.  President Greg Brinson will be leading this workday

Workday 2: Begins at 9am. Please meet at the parking lot adjacent to the picnic shelter at the Brunswick Nature Park. If you come later (which is totally ok!) walk all the way down the fire road to the end and look for the path on your left when you reach the clearing. All work will be done on the NEW section of trail. Bring appropriate clothing, shovels and rakes, and food/water. Additional tools will be provided by CFSORBA.  Vice-President Austin Fenwick will be leading this workday.

If you have any questions please feel free to shoot us an email at Also, if you get the chance please RSVP to the workday using the group we have formed! Its handy and the club is paying for it so everyone can use it! Oh and you should get a few friends together and start up a ride. Its handy for stuff like that.

Happy Trails,

Austin Fenwick

VP Cape Fear SORBA