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Club meeting and Time Trial This Week

Just a quick reminder about the upcoming events between now and Sunday. Lets take a look shall we?

General Membership Meeting

The monthly membership meeting will take place, as usual, at the Long Island Eatery off of South Kerr Ave beginning at 6pm. Come out and eat and enjoy the company of your fellow SORBA members! We will discuss club business and specifically open the nominating process for this years club elections. Please come out and be apart of the meeting. Your input counts!

Time Trial Fundraiser!

This Sunday come out and be a part of the CFSORBA Time Trial at the Brunswick Nature Park. The Time Trial starts at 3pm with registration at 2pm. We are raising money to send one of our most valued club members, Tripp, to the National Bike Summit in DC! We have done a tremendous job so far and we are looking to go over the top with the money raised this weekend. Cost to enter is $5. Fun part: Just for participating you get a chance to win half of the money raised! A random participant takes home half the cash and the other half goes to funding Tripp. The fastest rider on the day gets bragging rights!

So come on out this week folks and enjoy the fun. Happy Trails


Lots of Upcoming Events in the Cape Fear!

Hello Cape Fear SORBA! There are ALOT of upcoming events on our calendar in the upcoming weeks. This email is to bring to your attention all the fun things going on in the region and also to let you know you can hit our page to RSVP if you want (but its certainly not required!).

Saturday Feb 18th: Trail Building at the Brunswick Nature Park 1pm to 5pm

Come out and help us build more Trail at Brunswick! We can almost smell the ending section of the new loop! This workday will run from 1-5pm and will be lead by President Greg Brinson. Please bring shovels and rakes. Additional Tools will be provided by CFSORBA. Dress appropriately and bring plenty of food and water!

Saturday Feb 18th: The UNCW Watha Classic Road Race,Watha NC. First race 8:30am

The UNCW Cycling Team is hosting the inaugural Watha Classic on Saturday, February 18! They are bringing road racing back to the area and are looking for volunteers! Volunteers are needed from 7:30 AM through early afternoon. You do not have to sign up for the entire time.  To help out, email Matthew Maya directly at  Tell him what time you’re available and he will put you in a slot.

Sunday Feb 26th: CCORS Race #2 at the Pirhana Pit in Havelock NC.

Registration opens at noon on the 26th for the end race in the CCORS Series! Cape Fear SORBA club members are meeting at apox 9:45 at Two Wheeler Dealer to caravan/carpool up to the race. Please RSVP at the page if you are doing this so we know how many people to expect! If you are interested in racing please visit the CC Velo Website HERE and register for the event in advance. You are not committing any money if you do this, but since the event is on a military base they require people to register in advance if you are even thinking about going.

Tuesday Feb 28th: Jamis Demo Truck Visits the Brunswick Nature Park from 1-4pm

Check out the Jamis Demo Truck at the Brunswick Nature Park on Feb 28th! They will be there from 1pm to 4pm! Take advantage while you can! Test ride a 2012 Jamis mountain bike at theBrunswickNatureParkhosted by Two Wheeler Dealer. They will be bringing the 650B bikes so you can feel for yourself the wheel size everyone has been raving about!

Saturday March 3rd:Trail Building at the Brunswick Nature Park 9am to 4pm

Come out and help us build more Trail atBrunswick! We can almost smell the ending section of the new loop! This workday will run from 9am to 4pm and will be lead by President Greg Brinson. Please bring shovels and rakes. Additional Tools will be provided by CFSORBA. Dress appropriately and bring plenty of food and water!

Saturday March 3rd: Boy Scout Show at Hugh McRae Park 10am-2pm.

CFSORBA will be participating in the Boy Scout Show at Hugh McRae Park on March 3rd from 10am to 2pm. The club is looking for a few interested volunteers that would like to work with the scouts and man a booth at the event for 4 hours. If you are interested please email We love out reach programs and this is a great way to spread what we do through the community!

Sunday March 4th: Time Trial at Brunswick Nature Park Fund Raiser! Registration open 2pm. Racers start at 3pm

We are holding a fund raiser for Tripp to send him to the National Bike Summit! Time Trial Style!! Come out at 2pm to register and 3pm to race in a time trial at theBrunswickNaturePark. Come out and hit the course for fastest time bragging rights! Cost is $5 to enter and a random rider will take home half of the money raised with the other half going to help send Tripp to the National Bike Summit! The course we will use is a mystery only known to Greg Brinson! So come out on 3/4/12 and ENJOY THE RIDE!

Feb 12th Update

Hello Cape Fear SORBA. I hope you had a good weekend filled with long rides and good cheer. This email will serve as a recap of this past weeks membership meeting as well as updating you on a few topics of interest. So lets get to it!

Club Meeting

Several topics were discussed at the most recent club meeting. Lets go in order.

Our current VP Austin Fenwick and Secretary Jay Pearce have opted to not run for re-election at the end of their term in April. Both can not commit to the duties of these positions due to various factors. With that being said we are accepting nominations for all positions on the CFSORBA board (President, VP, Secretary, and Treasurer). We will accept nominations into the month of March (and potentially longer) with elections coming in April. If you are interested in being a part of the board and would like to know more please email

The club also discussed the much talked about fall event that was also a topic of conversation in January. We decided on a specific date for the event: Oct 13th and 14th. The club also agreed that a 6 hour race (with a 3 hour race option) was the race format to go with for the 2nd day of the event. Club members also discussed having a 5k trail run on the first day of the event to draw more people to the festival day. Brandon Davis and Austin Fenwick are currently heading up initial planning for the event which includes meeting with potential PR reps. More information will be released when we have it!

Also! The club members in attendance raise $130 for the fund to send Tripp to Washington DC for the National Bike Summit! We still need to raise more money everyone! If you wish to donate and help Tripp get to DC you can click on the link below to do so via the CFSORBA paypal account.  You do NOT need a paypal account to

Help Tripp’s Journey To The National Bike Summit! Donate Here!!

In addition there was also a discussion about a potential new ride coordinator! More information will be made available as it comes up!

In Other News…

The next race in the CCORS series is coming up soon! It takes place on Feb 26th at the Piranha Pit in Havelock NC. This event takes place on a Air Base and therefore they are requiring all potential racers, volunteers, and spectators to register so they have an accurate count of people on base. Registering at the below link does not mean you are required to race or committing to paying any money or anything else. So even if you just MAY come to the event please register below. That way if you do come out you can certainly make it onto the base!

Register for CCORS Race #2 Here

Also if you would like to meet and caravan/carpool up to the next race check out our group and RSVP and chat about the options!

Last but not least if you are interested in being apart of the Cape Fear SORBA team for the CCORS series please let us know! Club President Greg Brinson is looking for other competitive riders wanting the challenge of defending our series championship! You can email him at

See you soon Cape Fear SORBA! Enjoy the trails.

Race Results coming…until then enjoy pics and video!

Hi everyone! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! Cape Fear SORBA did and we want to thank all of those who came out to make the first race in the CCORS series a smashing success! We had 119 racers participate (we believe that may be a series record). Thanks to all those who came out to support the event. Results will be coming within a day or two from now. Until then enjoy some video from the State Port Pilot (full story will be out on Wed) and the photo’s on facebook.

Photos Available here: CCORS Race #1 photos